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List of EEEs and fees

List of EEEs

You are required to pay a recycling fee for all the electrical and electronic equipment you commercialize in Luxembourg, and which is subject to the terms of the trade-in bond.

The equipment that matches this definition can be found in the official list of EEEs.

  1. Temperature exchange equipment
  2. Screens, monitors, and equipment containing screens having a surface greater than 100 cm2
  3. Lamps
  4. Large equipment (any external dimension more than 50 cm)
  5. Small equipment (no external dimension more than 50 cm)
  6. Small IT and telecommunication equipment (no external dimension more than 50 cm)


Why is there a recycling fee?

The producers and importers that belong to Ecotrel pay a recycling fee in order to finance Ecotrel's activities. They must charge their clients for this recycling fee. This means that it is not the producers and importers, but the end consumers who must cover the costs involved with processing WEEEs.

The recycling fee is not a tax of any kind, but a participation in the cost of processing and treatment of WEEEs.

The recycling fee applies to all the equipment commercialized in Luxembourg and mentioned in the official list of EEEs.

When is the recycling fee due?

As a Producer or Importer belonging to Ecotrel, you pay the recycling fee at the time when the EEEs are commercialized, as specified in the VAT code. Commercialization refers to the act by which VAT is payable for the first time in Luxembourg, in other words, when a piece of equipment you have manufactured or imported is purchased.

As a foreign supplier commissioned by one or more Luxembourg importers, you must pay the recycling fee when you export EEEs to Luxembourg.

If you purchase your EEEs from a Luxembourg supplier, the recycling fee is included in the price you pay the supplier.

Information for clients

You can order posters with the 2023 recycling fees with this form.